South East Quad
Known as Court 7 this area is the South East quad on the water front side. Provide quick access to the Dock, staged and electrics.
Demo Stage
Housing the stage and Control area. There were plenty of pace LED displays and HD projection screens. Many Rigging point options.
North East Quad
Known as Court 1. This area connects to the North Loading bay, catering area and access to the doc on the water front.
Immersion Space
An immersive feel. Displaying an array of vibrant colors. Guests enjoyed the seights, sounds and refreshments through a tunnel like display.
Main Entrance
Connecting to the Parking Lot and East Loading Bay. Very open area with many options to great and immerse your guests.
Guest Registration
Able to support a massive 16:9 screen with blended HD projection. Guests were immediately immersed in the experience.
Birds Eye - Main Floor
Full View of the floor space. 3D Model is still a work in progress. Mezzanine and further details added to follow.